Saturday, February 6, 2010

"The essence of life !!"

Have been thinking of blogging for a long long time , but other engagements have prevented me so or maybe I didn’t have a reason enough to blog. After a long long time, I jus sat back today to reminiscence my life ,the way it has moved all along .I cannot say that I have had a life full of highs and lows , because till now I have had a smooth life …. Moving in its own sweet pace. It’s still difficult to find out when childhood games were replaced by books and when school text books were replaced with thicker and more exhaustive college texts, when all scribbled notes were replaced with powerpoint presentations and texts in laptop , all it does is brings a smile on my face. Yes, time has passed and I have moved with it . I left my college campus with a degree in one hand and a job offer in another. Here I am in my office , in one of the world’s biggest IT firms ,sitting at my desk and pondering… how life has been … People who know me well know how cheerful a person I am to even think like this … looking at the past…but everyone has a side to him/her .. a corner unknown , unexplored by others , a corner that is familiar to only oneself… a corner where one can be at peace with oneself..where one can probably find all the unanswered questions beacause this is the place where one gets the truest of ones answers…

Everything was perfectly fine…until now… when I put a thousand questions to myself..some questions which have suddenly cropped up from absolutely nowhere..some questions which are difficult to answer.Maybe time only has the answers to such questions .But the uncertainties of life and the unpredictability of life, boggles me to no respite. If only we could know the future , if only we could peep into tomorrow , things would be better because the Serendipity of life although is sweet but sometimes is scary.
I read somewhere – “In reality, serendipity accounts for one percent of the blessings we receive in life, work and love. The other 99 percent is due to our efforts.”

I feel , that in the mad race to reach the top or achieve a prized trophy , people forget to see or grab the little things in life…things that may seem trivial…but things that may actually be of great value.Things for which we may not have time , but things that may give us although momentary pleasure but a reason enough to feel happy and contented. Work is very important these days.I find people toiling hard at office , working late ..the reason they give is work pressure , client deadlines, millions of issues.I was talking to a senior in my workplace – He told me that he goes back home everyday at 10 PM ,he’s handling 3 clients and responsible for 3 projects.He has a 1.5 year old kid. I just asked him one question – what is the use of such a work that gives you no time to spend with your family , your kid. What will you do with all your work –experience if you do not experience/witness your own 1.5 year old child growing up. I saw a sad look in his eyes…Sometimes , we forget to give importance to those things /work / people that are actually the most important in our lives. We start taking for granted things that actually matter to us the most or are the greatest reason of happiness for us. In the small drama called life of which we have been given the divine opportunity to play a part , I feel we should , play our characters the best way we can.As somebody has told me that life should be lived like a commercial movie , it must have all the thrills and frills in a short span , so that all the aspects are explored. The one life that we have , we should respect it and make the most of it because I have also heard that human beings get to be born again in homo sapiens species only once in 83 crore years !!!!